Monday, March 31, 2008

I Need...

It seems like every time we get into the car these days Elizabeth shouts from the backseat, "I neeeeed 'Ginia!" So the obsession with the Pride of West Virginia, the Mountaineer Marching Band.

On Saturday, Reid, Elizabeth, & I went to the elementary school's playground in West Liberty so Elizabeth could play on the slide - as she has been interested in the slide from some pictures in a few of her books. I took my camera, but am bummed that I didn't pack the video camera as well. She had a blast! Nearly every one of the (> 150) pictures Reid & I took of her is with her mouth open because she was laughing. "Watch this, Daddy." "I need slide." "I can do it." "I'm coming." "I go slide." Just a few of the expressions we heard during the trip to the park. What a blast she is!!!

We got a stove/oven for the house in West Liberty. (Sorry, Rikki, it wasn't moved in with the amount of fan-fare that some of your furniture was done photos of items being lifted high in the air...) The closest we came to fan-fare while moving in the oven/stove was Elizabeth informing us, "I neeeed cheese, Mommy. I need cheese." (She is her father's daughter!) I'm amazed at how I am so dependent on that one kitchen appliance (sorry Kitchen Aide mixer, but it is true.)

I need to be able to go to sleep. Dang cough...dang sweet afternoon nap...I need to first post this series of pictures of Elizabeth...