Sunday, April 27, 2008

MEDICAL ALERT: Gem (WV) Chicken Bird Flu Virus

So Elizabeth went to Grandma & Papi's this week. Aunt Anne, Sean, and Alex came in from the Big Apple for a visit this week. I took Weezie to Grandma & Papi's on Tuesday afternoon. I came back to the friendly city of Fairmont on Wednesday afternoon.

Thursday was to be Elizabeth's big day on the farm at Grandma & Grandad Wine's in Gem (WV). Anne, Sean, and Alex came to Grandma & Papi's to get her. They played at the farm for a bit...and then it hit - the Gem Chicken Bird Flu Virus.

Elizabeth got sick...on the throw rug at the Wines...then in the bathroom as Anne was cleaning her up. Then later that evening at Grandma & Papi's - nasty, nasty sick during the night (requiring a bath in her somewhat sleep induced state.) Then again a couple more times while she was in bed with Grandma (as her pack-n-play was left uninhabitable for the night while "stuff" was in the washer/dryer.)

She bounced back rather well on Friday. Got to go back to the Wines' farm - played in the creek, drove a tractor (that wasn't on), played with Alex's swing, fetched an egg from the chickens' house - a complete farm girl for the day. Then it hit - Grandma was struck with the Gem Chicken Bird Flu Virus...then Papi. Anne went to Grandma & Papi's to collect Elizabeth so Grandma & Papi didn't have to worry about a 2-year-old while being sick. Reid & I went to the Wines' Friday evening and spent the night. Then it hit - Alex got sick in the middle of the night.

On Saturday at Grandma & Papi's (Grandma was still feeling the effects of the Gem Chicken Bird Flu Virus), we didn't stay long - trying not to catch whatever in the heck bug they have all been stricken with. Hoping Anne & Sean and all of the Wines can keep from getting it, too!
Alex took his first independent steps - at 11 months! He's so big. It's too much fun watching E & Ali together!!!


Paula said...

dear god...i hope you guys are ok... that sounded like a nasty virus...

E. A. Wine said...

Add Anne, Sean, Granddad Wine, Grandma Wine, Aunt Jane, Cousin Clint, and Aunt Cheryl to the "Typhoid Elizabeth Virus" list. She got sick BEFORE she saw the chickens so you can't blame it on them. I think everyone is on the mend now!!!!