I'm so long over-due for a post it's not even funny...and Cate's language has exploded since my last post. I'll try to list all of her words here, but I'm sure there are some I will forget. Ones with a * she also signs:
- Mommy
- Daddy
- Sissy
- Dog*
- Stop it (typically spoken to the dog, Kennedy)
- Cocoa
- Piggy (for the Piglet blanket that is the new addition to the growing list of items she likes to carry around)
- Sock
- Shoes*
- Jaket
- Shirt
- Pants
- Hat
- I no poop (sometimes "I poop!")
- No
- Yes (with a bit of a fist pump)
- Milk*
- Please*
- Spoon
- Eat
- Cookie
- Chip
- Chicken
- Copcorn (aka: popcorn)
- Ice cream
- Cake
- Want it
- Wawa*
- Tank You
- Done*
- All gone*
- More*
- Nana
- Papa
- Papi
- Aunt Anne
- Sean
- Rara
- Doug (sounds a lot like dog, but she says it when she sees pictures of Doug, so we get that she's not calling Doug a dog -- or so we hope!)
- Maggie
- CaCa (She's a bilingual genius! In addition to this being Aunt Cathy's nickname, she's also saying "shit" - how awesome is she I ask you?)
- Campbell
- Let's gooooo (and then I say "Mountaineers!")
- Bed
- Night night
- Baby*
- Blanket
- Up
- Sit
- Down
- Chair
- What's that?
- Bye-Bye*
- Hello
- Play
- Hair
- Body
- Fingers
- Toes
- Belly
- Mouth
- Ears
- Eyes
- Nose, nose, nose (typically while squeezing hers or mine)
- Mickey Mouse (sounds a lot like her mouth is full of marshmallows "Micka Mouse")
- Emo (Elmo)
- Cup
- Plate
- Funny*
- On
- Off
- Baketball (we're gearing up to cheer for the Toppers and Mountaineers for BASKETBALL season)
- Ball
- Put away (maybe one of my kids will know to put away toys...)
- Book
- Where's*
- BATH**** (It is more of a full body wiggle with crazy-enthusiastic signing -- so much so we have to spell the word if she isn't going to be on the receiving end of the B-A-T-H)
- Dirty*
- Dance*
- Yellow
- Who's that?
- Apple*
- Pig*
- Monkey* (followed by "ooh ooh aah aah")
- Horse
- Hay (those two typically come together)
- Seal (followed by clapping her feet together and saying "oh, oh, oh")
- Bunny
- Bird*
- Duck*
- Bock! Bock!* (some of you may call it a chicken -- she only refers to 'chicken' if she is going to consume it, but pictured in a book, it is a "Bock! Bock!")
- Color
- Paper
- Bug
- Block
- Mine
- Top (working on Toppers)
- Glasses
- WUV YOU!!! (Never softly spoken, always shouted...hopefully followed by blown kisses...)